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"A Dragon Spirit that Ling Yu had contracted, has a serious problem with the perception of time. It was still observing a lord's order and hiding the secret passage of the Giant Wood Forest until modern days, completely unaware of what was happening outside."
Now that I have gotten back to working on these, I decided to start with Fungusvine, as it is the earliest two-star dragon one can obtain. It focuses on dealing massive amounts of indirect damage, which makes it incredibly useful throughout the game. Designwise, it feels rather elegant, I especially like how well its colors go together, as well as the shape of the scales on its back and tail. I'm not sure if this was intentional, but the "fur" lining its underside reminds me of the lion's mane fungus (Hericium erinaceus), whatever the intention was it looks great on it. It has a fantastic design and is great in combat, making it a great introduction for the two-star dragons.