Xyghath the Blightcaller

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Xyghath was an Elder Wyrm who was created by Vengosa, though it was slain hundreds of years ago by someone or something, the identity of its slayer remains undiscovered. It is not known how this was achieved, as the only things that can kill an Elder Wyrm is a different Elder Wyrm or one of the Wyrmgods, no evidence exists at the site of its death that points to either of these being its killer. Unlike its relatively peaceful creator, Xyghath frequently attacked settlements for reasons unknown. An Ichorous "blight" would rain down from its massive, ragged wings, causing organic matter to decay in seconds. The Blightcaller was among the most destructive Elder Wyrms, and its existence is what caused Wyrvask to create Garldrosk, though it was slain before Wyrvask could finish creating the Elder Wyrm now known as the Winding Death.


None at the moment.


Xyghath was dead by the time the events of my book occur, though I do have plans related to it and its death.