A Dream From September Eighteenth, 2024

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In this dream, I had been traveling across the world in search of somebody with the surname "Williams", I had been granted this quest by a strange amulate. First, I was at a coastal town and approached an old man to ask him about this "Williams" individual. I am unsure if this was because of the amulate or if it was just dream logic, but he knew that this was a very specific Williams I was asking him about. After I pulled myself out of a random mud pit, I spoke with him some more and while he didn't know the location of this Williams, he gave me a lead, to visit this organization that studies bizarre phenomena and disappearances. I thanked him and went on over to the second location of this dream, a city in an unnamed subtropical country. I immediately went to the headquarters of the aforementioned organization, and began questioning them. At first, nobody would answer, but once I showed the amulate and they realized why I was questioning them. Unfortunately I woke up after this, so I never did find out why I was tracking this person down or what the amulate was about.