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Severspawn is well known for constantly exploring old human ruins, as she is rather fascinated with what is contained within. As an aberrant dragon, her body is capable of splitting into two, she often uses her secondary body to get an aerial veiw of the ruins she is exploring, as she is a better flyer when her secondary body on its own than when her bodies are together. While she lacks ornamentation and is plain in color, her number of limbs and unique anatomy put her higher on the hierarchy than many other dragons. She prefers to eat insects and meat and her breath attack is a blood-red, acrid fluid.


a side portrait of a grey dragon. She has black eyes, an angular face, and sharp teeth poking up from her lower jaw
a small bipedal dragon that is standing on two wings, her body is grey and her wing membranes are a slightly lighter, bluer grey. Her head is angular, her eyes are round and black, and some teeth poke up from her lower jaw. She is very bulky and has a large, blue eye on her back. Other than her wings, she is limbless. She also has two tails, the second tail is placed above the first one. Above the main drawing of this dragon are two smaller drawings that show that she can split in two. The lower body includes her head, most of her torso, and the lower of two tails. Instead of standing on her wings, she stands upon three pairs of pointed, red legs. The upper body consists of her wings, her back (including the extra eye), and the upper tail. This upper body has a small mouth just below the eye

Drawn in 2024

Design Notes

When I came up with the concept of Aberrant dragons, one of the first Aberrant dragon ideas I got was of one that had a secondary body that could split off from the main one. This idea eventually developed into Severspawn, and I am quite happy with the result. I knew I wanted her to be rather bulky, with the secondary body being much thinner. She was also somewhat inspired by gargoyles, which is why I made her grey.