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Roukra are opportunistic, omnivorous beasts which are mainly found in central Talveria. They are eyeless quadrupeds which bear a massive head, a well-developed sense of smell, and an extremely powerful digestive system which aids in withstanding the toxins found in much of what they eat. While they are sometimes known to actively hunt for prey, Roukra prefer to scavenge. Much of their diet consits of rotting meat and plants, settlements within the Roukra's range often have to deal with them digging through their scraps and garbage due to this, as the strong scent attracts them. They are relatively docile, though if one were to be bitten or scratched, even by accident, the wounds must be immediately treated as the Roukra are coated in bacteria from their scavenging habits.
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The Roukra is a revised version of an old, scrapped Talverian creature called the Roukog. While the names are similar and they both lack eyes, that is where the similarities end. The Roukog had layers upon layers of teeth, massive horns on its chest and shoulders, a tail, and was purple. While creating this creature, I described it as being a living garbage disposal.