Monster Hunter Monsters I Think are Neat

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This article will be progressively updated until I feel that it is complete, though I will update it after completion if when new monsters are revealed and I want to talk about them.

I have been playing the Monster Hunter games for nearly a decade now, so unsurprisingly it has a lot of influence on how I design monsters and the like. Because of this, I wanted my first article on this site to be dedicated to it, as I wouldn't be the kind of creature designer I am without it.


a quadrupedal, leech-like wyvern with a pale top side and a red lower side. It has glowing pink organs on its face and tail, its mouth is circular and has a ring of sharp teeth

As Gigginox is my favorite monster, of course I had to start with it! It is of the Flying Wyvern category and primarily attacks with poison gas. It is also capable of laying egg sacs, which juvenile Giggis will emerge from and immediately attempt to drink your blood! I like how despite its lack of eyes, it can still see through specialized heat organs, I've definitely used this a few times in my own monster designs. It's also really neat how easy it is to tell that this monster mainly lives in caves, with its pale coloration, lack of eyes, and flattened body (perfect for crawling through crevices). It also has a subspecies, known as Baleful Gigginox. It is electric instead of poisonous, and is also capable of paralyzing threats


a quadrupedal, salamander-like monster with a tan carapace, its lower jaw and tail are blue. Its eyes are directly on top of its head and its large mouth is full of triangular teeth

Nibelsnarf is another one of my favorites, it's a very cute monster. It is of the Leviathan category and for quite some time it was the only Leviathan that was a sand burrower! It is also, to my knowledge, the only monster that has a uvula (which is also its weak spot). It is possible to trick this monster into eating barrel bombs, which I think is a really neat mechanic. Once it eats the bomb and it explodes, you can fish the monster out of the sand. A lot of people find this monster annoying and even consider it one of the worst monsters, but I enjoy the monster's fight enough that I do not mind the janky parts.


a quadrupedal, winged dragon which resembles a giant purple chameleon. It has a very long tongue, a nose horn, eyes that can independently move around, and a mouth full of sharp teeth. Its neck is hooded, with thick spikes lining the edges of said hood. Its legs are stubby and end in small, sharp claws, while its wings are thick. Its tail starts off very wide and flat, like a hood, four pairs of glowing, globe-like appendages line the edges of this hood and curl inwards, with the last pair of bulbs being the smallest. The tip of the tail is curled like that of a chameleon

Chameleos is part of a trio of Elder Dragons (the other two being Kushala Daora and Teostra) and it is easily my favorite of the three. I find it to be the most fun of the three as well, even if its habit of stealing one's items can be a bit annoying. Its design and behavior make it a very charming monster, and apparently these monsters are typically peaceful, though they can be pretty mischievous. It is also capable of turning entirely invisible and can spew poisonous gas from its mouth.