Masked Serpent

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Masked Serpents are unusual dragons which live within the Void, they are of the Shade element and are very curious. They commonly feed on small creatures that are found within the Void, and are rather social. When faced with a member of an unfamiliar species, they are at their most dangerous—their curiosity can lead to them attempting to "test" unfamiliar species, trying to see how they work and what causes them to react in ways they find interesting.


a long, serpentine dragon with four legs floating in front of a purple background, the silhouettes of floating stones can be seen in the distance. The dragon is mostly purple-ish black in color, though its underside is lighter and its face resembles a white mask. Its eyes are black with beady white pupils. Squarish teeth are also visible. The dragon's neck is long, leading into a body which is almost equally as long. Its tail is thin and even longer than the neck and torso, ending in long, pointed flaps of skin. Similar flaps of skin are seen above its shoulders. Its head faces the left side of the screen, its body curves around so that it also faces left, its tail then curves right.

Drawn in 2023


This dragon originated from a dream, it was about a creature collector game where you had a team of four dragons and went around the world hatching and discovering new species. This dragon was found in a sort of void realm.