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The Gloaming Lamenter was created by Vengosa, they are named for being most active during dawn and dusk, as well as the strange sounds they produce. These sophont Wyrms were originally thought to be solitary, it was eventually discovered that during the day and night, they return to a colony of other Lamenters. Their society is poorly understood due to their distrust of outsiders, but some of the larger Wyrmkillers' Guilds are working on relations, to prove that they can be trusted. While in a resting posture, they hold their four arms inside of their wing-cloak, making them them resemble robed, upright bipeds. They use their beak to feed upon blood and Ichor, the latter of which is obtained from other Wyrms. If a Lamenter is seen by a sophont creature, that Lamenter will know the exact location of that individual, it can also transmit this knowledge to other Lamenters if they feel that the individual is dangerous to them, so they know to either kill that individual, or merely avoid them. As Wyrmkillers don't go after these Wyrms, the main mortal threat to these Wyrms are self-proclaimed "monster hunters".
Drawn in 2024
Made in 2023
When I designed the Gloaming Lamenter, one of the first details I came up with was how they resemble a robed biped while in a neutral state, while in actuality being a quadruped. The final design didn't end up too different from the original sketch, only the hands and feet were changed.