Kalraku, the Vibrant Horn Beast

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Kalraku are medium-sized, herbivorous monsters that roam around in herds of up to 25 individuals. They are found in the Central Region in its colorful meadows and on the edges of its forests, grazing upon a myriad of plants. Their signature horn is too fragile to consistently use as a weapon, its main purpose is for display. Kalraku of any sex are more likely to choose a mate with a larger horn. What they do use for defense is their powerful tail, the horns at the end are not only light, but are very sturdy. The armor plating on their tail also protects it from any predator that attempts to disable their primary form of offense. If there are calves present, the oldest Kalraku will form a circle around them, their tails facing whatever predator is attempting to pick one off. In breeding season, the quills that are found on the neck, shoulders, and tail of a mature Kalraku will change colors, turning yellow in females and a deep, almost metallic blue in males.


a bipedal, dinosaur-like monster. Its head is horse-like and has dark eyes with horizontal pupils, it has a large horn on top of its head and a pair of pointed ears on either side. It is mostly blue, with yellow in the center of the snout, a green line down the middle, and an off-white chin, underside, and cheek. Its neck is thick and forms an S-curve into the torso, on top is a row of dark quills and on the underside of its neck is a row of spurs, it has the same colors as the head, though instead of yellow, the green part has darker green banding. The torso is thick, between the shoulders is another row of quills. Its front limbs are tucked towards the body, the shoulders are blue with a yellow center and the rest of it is green with darker banding, it ends in two hoof-like claws. The hind legs are muscular, the thighs are mostly blue with two yellow splotches, the area between the thigh and the calf is off-white, and the lower leg is green with darker green banding, ending in two visible hoof-like claws. The tail is segmented, each segment ends in dark spikes. The tail is mostly green with a single blue spot on the side of each segment, and a yellow spot lies inside of each blue one. The final tail segment is off-white and has four pairs of horn-like spikes on its sides, as well as a final row of quills towards the end of it.

Drawn in 2024


This was the second creature I ever came up with for this project, I knew I wanted the next one to be an herbivore, though my decision in making it a biped happened later. Its anatomy was inspired by equines, Pachycephalosaurs, and girdled lizards.