Iovien, Sacred Mask and Wyrmgod of Control

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Iovien was the first of the Wyrmgods to awaken, and for many years it was the only one that existed. It brought Talveria into the Age of Wyrms, as these creatures had never been seen before, nobody knew how to counter them. The level of control Iovien had over Talveria was immense and was only stopped once Wyrvask awakened and brought everything back under balance. Iovien desperately wants what it once had and even under the infinite gaze of Wyrvask, has been manipulating mortals into worshiping it through the threat of invasion by the Wyrms it still manages to create. It is deeply envious of the other Wyrmgods and the power they are relatively free to use, but especially loathes Wyrvask for stunting its power and influence over Talveria. While it would never admit it, it also fears the Nocturne Wraith Vengosa, despite its lack of eyes, Iovien feels watched by it every moment it spends in darkness.

At the end of its tail lies the Eye of Caast; a Wyrmish artifact bound to its body which allows it to take control of any of its Wyrms, though it now has to limit its use of this object else Wyrvask takes notice


a drawing of a dragon in a desert of near-white sand, six white pillars are seen in the background. The dragon has a long neck, two front limbs and no hind limbs, wing-like structures on its back, and a long tail. Its face resembles a porcelain mask of a human face with yellow eyes and horizontal pupils. The mask also forms four horns, the two on top of its head fuse at the tip, creating a ring, and the two on the sides point downward. Its true mouth is not where the mouth of the mask is, but just underneath said mask, it is open and pointed teeth are visible. Its neck curves down to its body, its legs are strong and end in three claws.

Drawn in 2023 (alt text is WIP)

Design Notes

Iovien was first designed in 2021 and hasn't changed too much physically (other than adding a bit more ornamentation), but a lot of my current work on it has been on its status as basically Talveria's main antagonist. I have plans for it in the book series I am working on, but I shan't reveal them here. I'm thinking it's been a few thousand years since Iovien's reign, so nobody currently alive in Talveria was alive to experience it, though it is now why the Wyrmkillers' guilds are so prevalent even in the modern day.