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Ikkikkri are a species of long-necked quadrupedal mutant which are most commonly seen in the Carrion Forests. They fully lack a lower jaw, instead using their massive, muscular tongue to press food against the teeth of their upper jaw in order to chew. Their diet is highly specialized, they can only feed upon the fleshplants of the forests they live in, standard plants and meat are unable to be digested by these mutants and will cause them to fall extrememly ill, they may even starve if they are unable to access edible food. Ikkikkri are farmed for their tongues, which are considered a delicacy in many parts of the world. This does not harm the Ikkikkri, as their tongues do not stop growing and routinely need to be cut to keep them healthy. In the wild, Ikkikkri will visit these large batlike mutants known as Rvivix and let them chew on their tongues until they are at a more managable length. In order to prevent themselves from bleeding out, they are able to constrict the blood vessels in their tongue until it heals, which usually only takes 2 to 3 days.
Will be added soon.
When designing this mutant, I had to redraw its head entirely as I had positioned it too low on the page. Its tongue constantly growing and needing to be harvested was inspired by how wool sheep need to be routinely sheared.