Baleful Hellbreather

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The Baleful Hellbreather was created by Draalskot, it is extremely rare and extraordinarily dangerous. It belches Sorcerous flame from its slitted, metallic jaws and will set entire forests alight in order to feed on the resulting ashes. While it is certainly alive, it closer resembles a machine than a beast in appearance and sound, its roars are like the tearing and scraping of metal. Blades are all but useless against these formidable Wyrms, other weapons don't fare much better. The most reliable way of taking down a Hellbreather is to either use explosives or Sorcery, not even they can withstand the forces of gunpowder and Ichor.


None at the moment


I created the Baleful Hellbreather in 2022. I will likely rename it at somme point, but this name works for now.