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The Titan Frosthorn is a massive, rare dragon that is found in the northern regions. They are herbivorous and extremely territorial, so caution is needed when traveling through known Frosthorn territory. Their primary weapons are their own bulk, their tail, and their nasal horn, it can not only gore opponents with the latter, it can channel ice magic through it, causing the horn to freeze anything it touches. Once they are fully grown, very few prey on these dragons, the only dragons which do so are either amphibious, fully aquatic, or clever. As Titan Frosthorns are too heavy to swim, they are vulnerable in water. Some of the smarter dragons have figured out that they can kill these dragons by causing them to fall off of cliffs, whether this be through physically pushing them or scaring them off the cliff. Much of a Titan Frosthorn's diet consists of the stone-like fruits of the north, they use their powerful beak to crack them open.
Drawn in 2024 for Smaugust
This dragon was inspired by ceratopsians, ankylosaurs, and theropods.