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While this dream started in my room, I will be skipping that part as nothing really happened there other than me rearranging my collection. It eventually cut to me walking along a forested trail with a group of other people, we came across this strange man who told us we were unknowingly involved with powers beyond our understanding. We were then transported to some form of pocket dimension where we had to pass various trials. The first I had to do was to prevent an elephant-like creature from attacking somebody, in the second, a monster which resembled a large, disembodied and toothy heart described an object that I had to recreate without ever seeing it, and in the third, I was told I had to let this bear-like reptile kill somebody without intervening. I passed the first two and despite what I was told, I intervened with the third one. I actually succeeded in incapacitating the creature, its handler was so impressed he let me pass anyway. We were all eventually brought back to reality, and I don't really remember much else after that.
While it wasn't very interesting, the part of the dream that took place in my room had a few objects in my collection I thought were neat. One of the larger ones was a skeletal black dragon figure, it was depicted rearing up and breathing a green flame; a Kronosaurus figure which had an articulated jaw was in one of my drawers before I put it on my main shelf, there were also some small monster or dragon figurines towards the front part of that same shelf. I might try out sculpting some of them once I get some material to do so, probably not the skeleton dragon due to all the fiddly bits skeletons are known to have.