A Dream from September Nineteenth, 2024

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This dream was very clearly influenced by the Dragon Hunters cartoon, not surprising seeing as before I went to bed, I had obtained some figures based on some of its dragons, but back to the dream. I do not remember either of their names, but it followed two dragonhunters, one who was tall, nonbinary and on the thinner side, with black hair and brownish skin, and the other one, a man, was around average height and fat, he also had dark hair but I don't remember his skin tone. The taller one primarily used a sword, specifically a scimitar, and their shorter companion mainly used a crossbow. The two would travel across these floating islands to help people by slaying dragons. One dragon I remember the name of was the Rattletooth, so named because its numerous needle-like teeth were articulate and would rattle against each other, though they would become stiff when the dragon opened its mouth wide, which is when it would scoop up its prey into its mouth and impale them with all those teeth. Its eyes were massive, round, and could glow in darkness, which was demonstrated in one part of the dream when this dragonhunting pair were in a dark cave that suddenly became illuminated by the eyes of this dragon. They managed to slay it and returned to the one who sent them on this quest. This particular region of islands seemed to be mostly desert and forest, it was also apparently where the taller dragonhunter was from before they took up the blade, I believe the region was called something like Varboros. There were a few other dragons I don't remember much of, but they looked pretty interesting as well.