Draalskot, Blazing Tyrant

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Draalskot was the fifth Wyrmgod to awaken, it is rather unstable and has lost the ability to control its power, the destruction wrought by it has earned it the monikers of Blazing Tyrant and Wyrmgod of Disaster. Wyrvask has shielded Talveria from its sorcerous conflagrations through preventing Draalskot from physically manifesting, but this does not solve why it no longer has control over its powers. Asmorium believes an external force is causing it to behave this way and managed to initiate a mental link with Draalskot to uncover the cause, though Wyrvask is skepticle of the validity of this claim. However, the presence of Vengosa does appear to calm it to some degree and despite its enigmatic nature, Wyrvask is more trusting of it. Draalskot is also the only Wyrmgod to have never spoken, even to the other four, the reason for this is unknown.

The mental link that had been established with Draalskot was a mixed success, Asmorium did discover that it never had full control of its thoughts, and what level of control it does still have has been decreasing. Asmorium initially believed it was Iovien who was behind this, never admitting it to the other Wyrmgods, but it appears to be something else, not even Wyrmish in origin.


a digital painting of a flying wyvern on a volcanic background, the sky is red, multiple rivers of lava can be seen, and a ring of red stone is seen in the distance. Its off-white face is smooth amd has many needle-like teeth in its mouth, it also has four pairs of orange eyes arranged in a triangle. Its neck curves up into its greyish body, its wing-arms are muscular and end in off-white bony fingers, its wing finger is heavily armored and is reddish with off-white markings, the wing membrane is a dark, dull red. Its legs are somewhat thin and end in sharp talons. Its tail is very long and ends in a pale, spiky club.

Drawn in 2023


Draalskot was originally designed in 2021, its design hasn't changed much other than redesigning the wings so they would actually look like they'd be capable of flight. Once I draw it again, I'll probably adjust its wings further, as I feel like they're a bit too muscular for something I intended to look somewhat frail. The original Draalskot was much more of a tyrant, having full control of its powers and deliberately choosing to be destructive, but I felt that the concept was pretty flat.