My Favorite BattleMechs

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This article will be continuously updated until I feel that it is complete, though it will probably be updated even after that if a new 'Mech comes out that I really like.

I'm pretty new to BattleTech, only having been introduced to it last year (2023), but while I lack experience with most of its aspects, I really like a lot of its 'Mechs.


a black and white image of a mech, it is bipedal and very bulky. It has no distinct head, as its cockpit is embedded in its torso, an autocannon is present on the lower right part of the torso. Its left arm ends in a hand with a laser mounted next to it, while its right arm ends in a laser, an autocannon, and fully lacks a hand. Its legs are thick and have backwards knees, the feet have two toes in the front and two in the back

I actually have one of these 'Mechs in my copy of MechWarrior 5 (alright game but is much better with mods), it's been my main ever since I got it, though it is currently sitting in cold storage with both its arms blown off after a mission went south, still waiting to find new weapons to replace its old ones and it's gonna cost a lot of money to fix it. Back to the actual 'Mech, I love how bulky it is, the thick "chicken legs" are pretty great as well. Something I really like about BattleTech is how well they're able to pull off making these Heavy 'Mechs look powerful, and the Cataphract is certainly no exception to that.


a black and white image of a bipedal mech. Its cockpit extends outwards and resembles a beak, it fully lacks arms. Instead, a pair of laser mounts are on either side of the torso, with a set of six missiles on its left torso. Its legs are relatively thin and have backwards knees, two toes are visible on its feet

Compared to the 70 ton Cataphract, the 35 ton Raven is much smaller, and isn't really intended for combat. Instead, it excels at reconnaissance and electronic warfare, which is always a concept I'm fond of in mechs. I quite like how birdy they look, with the beak-like nose and cockpit and chicken legs. Normally, I prefer big, bulky 'Mechs, but I'm rather fond of "walkers" like the Raven as well.


a black and white image of a bipedal mech. Its head and cockpit are placed far in front of the torso with a laser just to the right of the cockpit. Its arms end in metal pincers that have lasers mounted inside of them. Its legs are thick and double-jointed, ending in wide feet.

The crab is a rather unusual looking 'Mech, with its head being horizontal to the torso and the presence of a pair of pincers, it certainly didn't take long for me to become rather fond of this carcinized warmachine. I remember being enamored with the fact that the weapon mounts on its arms were inside of the aformentioned pincers, and I still consider that to be a wonderful design choice. These 'Mechs specialize in energy weapons and were apparently used in raids and guerrilla combat, they're also pretty decently fast (which as somebody who enjoys catching crabs and other crustaceans, that is certainly accurate).


a black and white image of a bipedal mech, it superficially resembles a crab. Its cockpit is embedded into its wide, somewhat flattened torso, a large laser is mounted on top of its torso. Its arms are bulky and end in powerful pincers, an autocannon is seen in either claw. Its legs are even bulkier and have backwards knees, ending in large feet.

Twice the weight of the Crab, the King Crab is a force to be reckoned with. This 'Mech looks wonderfully imposing, and as is the case with its smaller relative, I love the claws. It seems fitting that one of the heaviest 'Mechs is based off of a crab, they can get pretty hefty. I probably like it more than the Crab, but they're both pretty great and they serve different purposes in combat.