Asmorium, Abyssal Archivist

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Asmorium was the fourth Wyrmgod to awaken, and is often referred to as the Wyrmgod of Knowledge because of its strong desire to gain more information about the world. Within its domain of Haradath lies a massive, living structure, Asmorium archives all knowledge it obtains in the many brains of this "library". Some of this knowledge is simply related to Talveria and Vaskor, while other parts of it are gained through various experiments it conducts using its Wyrms. The most infamous result of this experimentation is the Deadmouth, Asmorium created this Wyrm as a way to see if it was possible to remove living beings from existence, the creation of this Wyrm also led to the discovery that Ichorless sorcery is possible.

While it would rather spend its time experimenting with new Wyrms, it is currently putting its focus into discovering what is taking control of Draalskot's mind, it originally believed it was Iovien attempting to corrupt Draalskot into freeing it, but after establishing a mental link with the Tyrant, it turned out to be something non-Wyrmish in origin. Asmorium isn't entirely sure, but whatever happens to be attempting to control Draalskot seems to be originating from Varakai — an entirely separate continent to Talveria.


None at the moment.


Asmorium was originally designed around 2017-18 (I'll update this once I find the exact year) and has probably been through the most design changes of all the Wyrmgods. Before I made it a part of Talveria, it was simply a normal, if somewhat bizarre dragon. Once it became a part of Talveria, it didn't take me long to give it this intense need to know things, this originally manifested in it simply collecting knowledge in a vast, living "library", but now it also experiments with its Wyrms in order to discover the extent of what Ichor and sorcery can do.