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The Arvog are marsupial sophonts who bear horns and tusks. They are separated into two regional variants; the Longhorns and the Daggertusks, the former bear longer horns, are native to the north, and tend to be darker in color with subtle patterning, the latter bear sharper tusks, are native to central Talveria, and tend to be lighter in color with dark patterning. Common foods among Arvog varies a lot based on region and even between individual clans. For example, the Arvog of southern Kalgor and eastern Vandir utilize the flesh of the Varunti worm in many of their meals, the most well known of which is a street food known as Varikin; three to five slices of Varunti meat are skewered and drizzled with a sweetish, somewhat acidic sauce made from Morandi fruit juice and the sap of the Kazandi Plant.

Many Arvog languages exist, the most common of which are Vosti, Dihali, Ituru, and Glalu. In Vosti, it is said that the most important words to know how to use are "an" and "ti", as one can inadvertently say something gravely offensive if one mixes them up. "An" is an article which is spoken at the end of names belonging to Arvog, it signifies that the individual one is referring to is an Arvog. Using Irengor's historian as an example, his name may be spelled Dagran, Dagr'an, or Dagr-an. "Ti" is an article which is spoken at the end of the names of non-Arvog creatures, including other sophonts. Two more articles are being proposed, one that specifically refers to non-Arvog sophonts, and the other which refers to Wyrms. Most Arvog scripts are written using mollusc ink and the spur found on the outer edge of their hands.

Arvog stand at around six feet tall at the hip and are twenty feet long, typically weighing at least one thousand pounds. The back of the neck and the end of their tail are covered in long hair that is typically dark in color, while the rest of their body is coated in very short fur. The horns of Daggertusk Arvog are typically rather smooth and curved, while the horns of Longhorn Arvog tend to be straight and pronged. Arvog are also simultaneous hermaphrodites, a trait they share with other members of their order. They live to around 200 years of age and take about 23 years to fully mature. Typically, both Arvog involved are impregnated while mating, each one giving birth to a single relatively undeveloped offspring after 47 days. The offspring will spend about a year in the pouch located on its parent's underside before permanently leaving it.


None at the moment.


The Arvog were among the first sophont species I created for Talveria once I began replacing elves, orcs, and such. Their original incarnation was still relatively orc-like, being large, tusked humanoids. Eventually they became less and less humanoid until now, where they stand similarly to theropod dinosaurs. Vosti is the language I have done the most work on, but I will add more information about the other ones at a later point.